By - sneha
27.03.19 05:47 PM
Just sometimes, we feel like we need the presence of a person to just talk to, speak openly about a few things and your relationships with others especially your spouses. This want for a new and understanding someone results in serious trouble at times mainly because they are not your spouse. Enough trouble to disturb the harmony that you have created at your safe place called home. It's an innocent relationship often called 'just friends' mostly from the work space that you share! Small talks lead to more personal talks and so on. It's a feel good relationship, nothing sexual or nothing intimate. So what's the problem then? It's not an affair or it's not cheating right? The problem begins when you know deep down that your spouse would never understand the need for another person in your life. It starts with deleting your messages, and oh boy you are already at cheating without your thought. So you have a nice friend and some happy conversations through your office hours. But your spouse who waits for you to come home and talk to them, but you have already talked about everything of importance and have nothing else to share. That's the start to a relationship going down the drain. Imagine your spouse finds out about this person, the hurt and the cheat that they feel even though you have not cheated on them in literal terms. They start to feel like they have no importance in your life and more importantly they feel less worthy. Amongst other things, the first thing that breaks is the trust that you built in your home. And I doubt that is going to help you improve your relationship anytime soon. Love gets lost in this turmoil of things and reason to this relationship gets abandoned somewhere down the line. Sometimes you just need an emotional relationship to get you through, but instead of making that with someone else try it with your spouse. It will save your marriage and what's wrong with sharing your deepest and darkest emotional turmoil with someone who you share your life with. Most times people say what's wrong in sharing with another person if your spouse understands and is OK with it. If that's the case then there is no problem, but in most cases one of the spouses would be a loner and such a spouse might not really understand. In that scenario yes they would feel bad and left out. This might in turn create further problems in their relationship. It's a just in case scenario. And yes if you are not feeling guilty about any of it then there might not be anything wrong in it! Do let me know what you feel about such relationships. Have any of you face such a situation ever? #unapologeticgirlz
