X is for Xenodochial

By - sneha
30.04.19 12:07 PM
I have two xenodochial kids. Or not I must say. They are usually really energetic and very friendly and happy babies when they are within the four walls of their home. But once they step out, they become very different people. They tend to become a lot quieter and sit in attention where they are made to sit. They don't demand attention or they don't create a fuss. I am really not sure why there is such a difference in their behaviour. Usually at home it's the four of us and their grandparents. Maybe that's the reason why they are really not open to other people. Some tips to bring up xenodochial kids 

1. Expose them to a lot of people from the initial days as a baby. We didn't have a chance for this as they were preterm and maybe that's why they are so shy of people. 

2. Take them to public place like parks and play areas so that they have a chance to mingle with other kids their age. This is a good means of exposure. 

3. Visit relatives or friends often. Make it a point to make that habit because otherwise kids tens to have an aversion towards visiting family and relatives once they are grown up. 

4. Leave your kids to fend for themselves with well known friends and family for a while as you watch them from afar. This would make them independent. These are some tips that we have started following to see if it makes a difference in their behaviour. 

Do try it and let me know if it worked for you too.
