U for Upside down

By - sneha
25.04.19 06:59 PM
Dear Mom, 

Firstly it's Mother's Day! I thought it was better to write you a letter about how I feel about you then and now. I want to thank you for all things that you have done for me. I managed to turn your world upside down, and yet you loved me unconditionally. I have tormented you since the day I was conceived inside you. I have bothered and troubled you through all the days of my life. 

I may not be the most amazing daughter that one could possibly have, but I promise that I have tried my best to become as amazing as possible for my standards. I used to hate you and I used to argue with you everyday. I thought you shouting at me was because you never loved me enough. I'm sorry mom, that I was an idiot to never realise your love for me. Now that I am in shoes, I do understand how much you really did love me. I know I have been a pain in the ass, but then isn't that how all kids are. I wonder every single day how you have been tolerating my tantrums and keeping up with all my demands. Some people can't stand the sight of me, but you have put up with every single qualms of mine. 

Today as a mom, I understand what exactly you must have gone through to make me like I am now. I am glad I was born your daughter. I am glad I was brought up to have strong values and with feminism in my blood. To survive today's world all the skills you taught me have come in handy. Thank you for making me independent. Thank you for making who I am now, and forever. 

So all I wanted to say was Happy Mother's Day! 

Love, Your daughter!
