The Journey Begins

By - sneha
09.12.18 06:35 PM
Thanks for joining me!
Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
The first two lines happen to be my first blog post. While reading it again after almost a year I did realise that how childish it must seem to have written a two sentence blog post. So I thought I will tell you why I started writing and what I intend on gaining out of it.

I was a first time mom who got lucky and conceived with twins. I had my struggles at getting pregnant and I did my fair share of headstands. I learnt about twin pregnancy and how to deal with it from scratch. I welcomed home my babies two months prior to their due dates. Then I took a break from career to become a stay at home mom. This was more to cover my guilt of delivering them preterm.

While the first six months were chaotic, I was scared to hold and care for my babies. Direct feeding didn't work, so had to end up pumping all day long. I had two hungry mouths to supply for. My days and nights had no differentiation. Through all this I had bouts of post-partum depression. All I could say was, I had my hands full up until they were 6 months.

After that a crazy solids session started. This was even more horrible because they never wanted to eat anything other than milk. I had to force feed them every single meal. Over all this, them being preterm and all that, They were lean. This was a reason for constant worry among passersby. I was quite happy that they were lean because it was easier to carry thin babies around.

After almost 10 months, life gave me more time to handle the kids and I had some extra. That's when my brain started to get pissed off and I was need of a venting corner. My blog was born, thus out of frustration and anger. It saved me actually. I got my joys from all the likes and comments that I got on my blog.

A year later, I am happily back at work. I love what I do. I write more of technical stuff and less on my blog. But yeah no matter what I do, Blogging is what keeps me sane.
