T for Tell the Truth!

By - sneha
25.04.19 06:43 PM
No matter how wrong we have been or how many mistakes we have made, to make a relationship meaningful we have to tell the truth. Unless there is truth in a relationship, the length of it never going to be forever. There will always be doubt in the background, trust issues coming up often, arguments and misunderstandings will be the daily norm. All this because the element of truth is missing from this relationship. All of us have our very own share of secrets and it's not necessary that's e share it with everyone around us. But I suggest everyone to have that one person with whom we can be truthful to. We have to first be honest to ourself otherwise the whole point of telling the truth is gone. Sometimes we can be honest with multiple people, abou let varying aspects of life. This way we can satisfy out need to have one person with whom we are honest with, while not ruining an existing relationship in the name of being honest with. Once you learn about your honest motives, you learn to understand yourself better. And with this understanding comes a great acceptance of oneself. Honest is the best policy. But choosing with whom and under what circumstances is a special talent that few have. It's one very essential talent that is the first point to survive in this world.
