Regret, Reverse and Repeat.

By - sneha
18.07.19 01:20 AM
As we walk through the valley of life, bible tells us to fear no evil. I feel that evil and good are just ways to describe things and actually none if it exists because everything is for the good. In life, at every turn around the corner of the lane, life throws crossroads at us. It's up to us to choose whether we take right or left. We usually go by what our brain logically explains is a good decision at that point in time. And sometimes we listen to the heart too and make decisions that might not seem logically correct but it will give us a joy from within. After traveling for many years we slow down in out pace. We understand that life is no rat race and things start to become monotonous, gloomy and stagnant. Sort of like our age catches up with us. Along with this if we have ample free time to our disposal, we tend to try going backwards in time. The problem while we go back along this already trodden path is that we know the outcome of one of the crossroads that we chose when we were there before. The other side still is a mystery to all of us. We tend to hope from deep within that the other end holds a better opportunity. 

Also now that we are going backwards, we face the crossroads from the opposite end. So we actually are unable to remember and understand why we choose the road that we did. Basically going down this road is a big mistake. One that might cost us our current life and relationships along with it. We start regretting every decision we made and we keep living in an utopian world where life would have been a rosier one had we the chosen the path other than the one we did before. We start to regret the basic decisions we took throughout life. The educational choices we made, the career path we took, the life partner we chose and the life that very life we are living. Once we start walking the path of regret, it becomes very difficult to get back to appreciating the life we had. The only way to believe that the life you are living is the very best that you could have received is by going back to that crossroad, analysing the entire situation from the perspective of everyone involved in that decision. Once you understand what and why in that situation, then realisation will strike like a huge thunder onto that brain of yours stuck in utopia. This should hopefully get you back to reality and you will be in right sense to start appreciating the life that you have been given. 

What I said might not be as easy as it sounds because it involves talking to a lot of people with whom you might not have been in touch with for years together. Some times it means getting hurt all over again and sometimes it will get you mocked at. If you are ready to face whatever come your way then this is the way you could possibly be redeeming yourself. Regret is a slow poison. It will slowly turn your thoughts toxic and turn you into scum. You will try going back in reverse but end up falling down a deep put out of which you can't possibly come out from. Sometimes going in reverse is going to hurt a hundredfold than it did before. 

Every moment in our life is all about living it to the fullest. None of us know how long we are going to live. Every second of the day that you have spent living a healthy life is a blessing in itself. Every person loving you is a miracle in itself. So learn to enjoy the moment and be happy.
