R for Reap, what you have sown!

By - sneha
23.04.19 05:42 PM
For every action that we sow out into the world, I am sure we will reap the repercussion sooner or later. Sometimes it's not us but our future generation that might be unlucky enough to reap for our actions. It's so sad about how unaware we are. It's a tragedy that we are so insensitive to other beings about how the corners of milk packets, once cut open ended up in huge quantities in the ocean. These were then taken in by sea creatures and these are consumed by us. So what we started ends up inside of us. That's the circle of life. When I started cutting the milk packets differently, there was a literal controversy at home regarding the same. 

Nobody seemed to understand, even after me explaining that it was bound to come back to them in the form of fish fry. All I could hope was that they have a better death. The kind of questions asked by these people, when told about the damages they were indirectly causing to the environment was just so annoying. Questions varied from from when have you started caring about animals to how come it goes into the cows from the water bodies. I just have no words for such people and their petty questions. The entire world is doing this and how come you doing it differently is going to change the world? Yes I am sure my actions will cause a huge impact. 

I believe that change starts from me. And if I was to be OK about everything that everyone did then I would not be a human. I would mostly be a dumb robot. Unless I make a change in my life how exactly am I to preach to the world to make that change. No action is too small and no action is too insignificant. I urge you to do your part so that at least someone with a little sense has started walking towards the right path. Let there be light at the end of this journey, that is my only hope and prayer!
