Queen of my dreams for Q

By - sneha
21.04.19 08:33 PM
A man marries a woman and makes her his queen. The queen to his house and to his bank statements. She rules the house and the ATM cards. She has the powers to make it or break it. But is she the queen that he has always wanted? Nope, most likely she was never the one of his dreams to become his queen. Rather she would be a queen to his parents dreams. She knowingly takes up this position. She knows she is threatened and might have to step down from power anytime it is requested. A daughter is born to them and there is a queen born at that very second. She is everything this man has ever wanted and dreamed of. She fills his heart and soul with a love that he never knew, existed before. She teaches him so many virtues and she makes him smile and cry at the same time. Suddenly she becomes the apple of his eyes. She becomes a priority and she becomes an important part of his life. Life starts revolving around her and her ways become the way of the world. The woman steps down to let this girl take her place as the queen of the house, only because it's her beautiful daughter. The one she helped in creating. No she would never be jealous of her daughter, but yes she would just regret never being that dream queen to someone who had always dreamt of someone like herself.
