N is for No Never!

By - sneha
19.04.19 06:01 PM
One thing I realized after becoming a mom is that my vocabulary seems to have a few words that are to be used all the time. The most common one is no.I tell no to this and no to that. Why do I say it? Because I know that it is in someway risky or dangerous or not an helthy option for my child. But does this child of mine know why mommy keeps saying no? Nope they don't. So I suggest instead of just saying no to your child, explain with a simple story as to why you do not want them to do a particular thing.Children may seem naive but they have an immense ability to understand things that go beyond them at times. They sense the emotions of the parents and take after those cues. So happy parents tend to bring up a happy kid. We may feel that our kids are too young to comprehend what we are trying to tell them. But give them a chance and I am sure they will never cease to amaze you.Every time you say a no without an explanation, children just tend to take it in a negative sense and in the long run tend to start rebelling against us just because of the MI's that we have been telling them from time immemorial.Learn to curb your tongue, and that's one virtue that will make you a good parent. When you know your child might fall or hurt himself, as a mom I can't keep quiet but warning them once and then letting them take the fall is a good way to teach them about such falls.I suggest as parents it's best if we don't intervene in situations unless there is a high risk or the child's life is at stake. This would make them independent and give them a chance to understand the difference between things that they have to do and don't have to do.We parents have to give a try to help in bringing up independent individuals. Because that's what would be expected of them in the long run!
