M for Mikhail and Michelle

By - sneha
16.04.19 05:53 PM
Mikhail and Michelle are the same names just with a difference in gender. The meaning of these names are 'GIFT OF GOD'! They were indeed our gifts from God almighty. We took around 18 days to decide on their names. We tried so many twin combinations but nothing seemed anything like them. That's when we came across these names and it kind of called out to us and touched our hearts. We wanted them to be named after angels. Michael was the archangel of heaven and somehow between all of this we did manage to find an angelic name for both of them. We embraced the names with a open heart and a happy cheer. We are indeed grateful to God for all his abundant mercies. From conceiving twins to carrying them for 7.5 months, going through preterm labor and giving birth to two healthy babies was all gods doing. Nothing would have been possible by us humans.
