L is for Learning to not differentiate in love!

By - sneha
16.04.19 05:43 PM
Let's start with love. I never knew that love was unconditional until I had my babies. Until I had them love was all about a lot of different emotions and feelings at different times. Sometimes when I was lonely, a caring person would have got all my love. When I was hungry, the person who fed me would have got my love. My first guy friend was someone whom I loved. I loved a lot of people for varying reasons. And just because I said I love you doesn't mean that I love with a romantic notion. It took me a while to understand that about myself. Let alone I don't expect anyone else to understand that about me. Only after having my babies did I realize that I could love someone for all the reasons in the world. Before them, I found a good in a person and loved them for that but now be it good or bad, I love them for who they are and not for what I get out of the relationship or because of how good they have been to me. When you look at the the benefits that come to you out of a relationship, then the love involved in that would be a conditioned one. To love unconditionally is to not expect anything in return, basically be selfless and giving all the time. This can happen only once you have become a mom. Before that everything needed a reason. But after that there is no looking back. I can't eat without having fed my kids, I can't leave my kids alone for a few hours because they need me. These are the kind of thoughts that constantly fill up your head with once you have become a mom! You don't just start loving your kids unconditionally but the world around you also starts to recieve a piece of your love. That is the kind of promotion you get for being a mom. It just makes you a better person overall. It makes you more empathetic and less judgmental towards fellow humans.
