
Blog categorized as a2zblogchatter

H for Husband Man

By sneha

Parenting comes in parts. It's a combination of love from the mother when there is scolding from the father. And sometimes it's a lot of pampering from the father when mother is about to explode right there out of frustration. Most kids are fortunate enough to have both parents taking care of them a...
09.04.19 05:45 PM - Comment(s)

E for Exercise!

By sneha

I was always an occational yogi. I started learning yoga from the age of thirteen. I was quite flexible, and i realized that no matter after how many months, or even years later that I was going to do yoga agian, I was always able to find that my flexibility was still good. I knew the importance of...
05.04.19 06:40 PM - Comment(s)

D for Daughter in law!

By sneha

Always been cherished and loved for who you were and what you did? Apple of everyone's eye even though you are wrong at times? Well must be because you are the daughter. Always been misunderstood and blamed for all the family quarrels? Any small mistake gets beaten out of proportion and you are rem...
04.04.19 06:21 PM - Comment(s)

C for Caesarean section

By sneha

I didn't have a normal delivery. I didn't dilate to 10cm. I didn't have to push my babies out of a tiny hole. I didn't go through hours of labour. I didn't suffer a pain on twenty bones breaking. I didn't have my vagina ripped to shreds in the process. But nonetheless I love my babies as much as an...
03.04.19 05:44 PM - Comment(s)

B for Boob theory!

By sneha

There are so many memes showing the various stages of a boob before pregnancy, then during pregnancy, after delivery and finally after you stop feeding your offsprings. But ever wondered if any of it is true and if that's exactly how it turns out to be in the long run? I always had this doubt in th...
01.04.19 07:45 PM - Comment(s)